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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Google Have Face Detection via Internet Now

Face Detection Ilustration
Google is getting more incredible now. With face detection technology it possesses, the search giant was able to detect and recognize a person's face via the internet. The reason, Google just acquired face recognition technology from a software company, Pittsburgh Pattern Recognition is called regular or PittPatt.

However, the technology is still not clear which will be used by google or not. But if this feature is used then the possibility of Google services to recognize objects in a video, pictures or photographs. Sources of PittPatt said Google already has the technology vision that has been applied to several Google services, among others, image search, Youtube and Picasa.

Google itself has not revealed the source will implement this exciting application. Unless the Google has strong privacy protection. However, with the presence of social networking sites Google +, could this technology be used.If this technology used in Google+,it can be a very powerful feature to trap people to use Google+ than Facebook.

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